
3 Ways To Start Mastering The Art Of Stillness And Silence. Live A Zen Life.

by - 7:57 PM

"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you."

A few years ago, I used to practice yoga and meditate, beginning stage type of stuff. I wanted to learn how to feel 'still' in a world full of so much chaos and noise. Something funny happened to me last week that made me determined to master the art of stillness.

I was with a friend on my way to get a lash extensions service done. I haven't done my lashes in over six years, and I thought I could have a little fun with them and treat myself. The service was phenomenal, so why didn't I feel great? It's because I had SO MUCH ANXIETY. Everyone was so lovely but, once it was time for me to lay down in that chair, I started internally freaking out! Then it hit me; I often feel this way. 

The service takes about 30-45 minutes. The lady performing the service was quite sweet, but I felt like I wanted to rip all of the tape from under my eyes and storm out of the room. I couldn't relax at all. I could feel every single little movement my eyeballs were making while they were shut, every twitch my eyebrows made, and every unbalanced, terrible breath I took. Once my service was completed, I thanked everyone for their kindness, grabbed my things, and power walked out of there for some fresh air and composure. Oh, I forgot to mention, my lashes look fantastic!

Ever since I was a small child, I've had a problem staying still. I've always been very creative, my mind is all over the place, and I frequently have a problem shutting down and telling myself the day is over. The interesting thing is that so many of my friends are the same way! They're always moving their legs, searching for something to do, and being jittery even without drinking coffee. I've considered this a blessing and a curse. I believe creative people often suffer from not be able to silence their thoughts and be still. When I walked out of that lash extension location, I was DETERMINED to learn to relax, chill out, and be still. 

As an overachiever living in a media-driven 'likes' every few seconds and always 'ON' type of world, I knew I would need a bit of help. If you're like me, it won't be easy, but I believe it could immensely improve your lifestyle.

Here are 3 ways I'm starting my journey to Mastering The Art Of Stillness. 

Gosh, you remember me saying taking these steps wouldn't be easy right? Stop thinking about work, regrets, or the future. Learn to silence your mind; learn to meditate. If you can't do this right away because you're like me and find it nearly impossible, think of a peaceful place like the beach and picture yourself laying down and enjoying those calming waves. A quiet mind makes the best decisions because it's bright and not clouded or cluttered. Can you imagine how much better you would sleep every night?  

This might be the hardest challenge for me. I've decided to start doing Yoga again to feel more flexible, relaxed, and in control of my body. If you don't have time to practice Yoga, I suggest finding the most peaceful place in your home, whether it be a chair or a bed and laying there with your eyes closed trying not to move. If you can't stay still, try some peaceful, slow swaying. I like playing classical music with a low volume setting or listening to a meditation video from Youtube

Most of us live in the future. "What am I doing tomorrow? next week? In 5 years?" It's good to think about the future, but not obsess over it to the point you feel fear and panic 24/7. Practice gratitude and your life will feel so full. Learn to appreciate every minute you have on this planet where you still have the ability to hope and dream. Remember, you only get to live this life once. 

If you start practicing 'Stillness' about 5-10 minutes a day, you're still doing something amazing for yourself. I genuinely believe that if everyone had the discipline to do this, people would be much happier and way more productive. JUST START! GO NOW! DO IT!

Good luck and silence your cell phone. 

Xx Nubia 

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