
Duane Reade Blogger Event.

by - 3:24 PM

My friend Tineey is working with Duane Reade as a VIP Blogger and they hosted an event at their Flag Ship Store that I attended. It was a lot of fun and Duane Reade has grown incredibly from a few years back (I heard they even have beer on tap now!? #SayWhat). The LOOK boutique is a pretty kick-ass makeup and nails section that you could get lost wandering in.

What I wore: Ann Klein loafers, Levis Jeans, Christys pork hat, H&M sweater, Coach Bag.

Ladies getting their eyebrows and eye lashes done.

Tulips galore. Gorgeous colors.

Outfit photos taken by Tineey.

I was completely smitten with the job they did for me at the nail bar. It was a light purple with cheetah spots. I recommend the nail bar there, the ladies are super nice.

Thanks to Duane Reade and Tineey for hosting such a lovely event. Everyone was very kind and considerate. Check out this cute video Tineey made! Adorable. Enjoy!

Xo Nubia Xo

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