
Bad Girls

by - 1:18 PM

Happy New Year! 

The New Year is always quite refreshing. Making your resolutions, eating your 12 grapes, maybe you even got to kiss that special someone or a random stranger at midnight. Whichever it was for you, New Years always has an intense energy about it, pleasant or not.  

This New Year surprisingly I didn't make any official resolutions. Sure I do have a set list of goals in the back of my head, but I didn't label them as "2012 resolutions" like many do...I felt like I'd be jinxing myself.  I do however have one thought that I wanted to share with everyone and I encourage you to pass this along. 

Be a tough, smart, educated, beautiful, bad ass woman!  

Seriously. That's my only thing that really crossed my mind. We are all going to have success in different places, failure in others, and sometimes we'll decide it's time to move on from certain places. Don't let any of it phase you. Don't sweat the little things. Don't waste time. Be productive and your life will change. 

In honor of my whole be a "bad ass woman" mini speech, I decided to gather the photos below for some symbolism.... GUNS. Yes, Yes people I know they're dangerous and bla-bla-bla please, spare me the lecture. I one day plan to have a gorgeous gun collection displayed in my future home.. Anyway, for symbolism purposes, Enjoy the stunning bad ass tough ladies below. 

Natalie Portman

Angelina Jolie

Faye Dunaway

Audrey Hepburn

Rose McGowan

Marilyn Monroe

Juliette Lewis

Dita Von Teese

Michelle Rodriguez

Photos via

Xo Nubia Xo

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