
Daffy's gift card giveaway

by - 4:23 PM

Thanks to the lovely people at Social Media Marketing M80, I am having a $50 dollar gift card giveaway to Daffy's. We all know Daffy's is brand names for less (for women and men) so this should be really fun!

To enter all you have to do is tell me what you think about this "Flash Mob Style, Dance Performace" That erupted before a NYC movie audience, OR tell me what your favortie part is. If you do not have a blog please leave your email.

I love how they're dancing while getting dressed it looks so awesome!

I wish you all luck and stay tuned for more giveaways soon. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

This giveaway is only open to the U.S. I promise I will have a giveaway for my international readers soon.


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