
Macy's Believe 2011

by - 3:31 PM

For the fourth year in a row, Macy’s is partnering with The Make-A-Wish Foundation® and collecting letters to Santa. For every letter received, Macy’s will donate $1 to The Make-A-Wish Foundation®, up to $1 million.

Inspired by The New York Sun’s famous “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” editorial from 1897, Macy’s stores across the country feature letter-writing Believe Stations and Santa Mail letterboxes for believers of all ages to write their letters to Santa.

Starting today through December 24th Go to Macys and look for their "Believe Stations" in every store. Seriously everyone, I really support these types of campaigns because the simplest little letter you write and drop off can truly make a difference. Not to mention I love The Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Here's one of my memories:

I remember being a young little Nubia and still believing in Santa. I also remember being a rebellious little Nubia and thinking I would get stuck with a lump of coal over something stupid haha but I never did. From that point on I thought to myself "Jeez Santa must be the jolliest and most forgiving person ever who love bringing joys to other" and I would always try to catch him but I couldn't. It didn't matter though, It was a happy thought. 

So as you can tell I didn't have the parents who went all out and dressed up as Santa but that doesn't mean I don't have a sweet memory.

Watch this video below as a cute incentive

Also to add some Holiday Cheer, I've been provided with this Snowglobe to giveaway!

To enter please leave your name and email address.
For an extra entry share your Santa Story with me! 
This giveaway will be open until December 15th, good luck. 

I'd also like to point out that this isn't one of my sponsored post. I am doing this for the same reasons I want you to stop by Macy's and drop your cards... For The Greater Good. 

Happy Holidays

Xo Nubia Xo

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