
BlogHer/Feeling Metallic

by - 2:41 PM

Last night I attended the Lovely BlogHer Holiday event at Pranna. It was lots of fun! and if they have one anywhere near where you are located you must go! I had a great time. It was different attending a general blogger event rather then a fashion blogger event, I was pretty enlightened.

I did however meet up with some Fashion Girlies at the event, MidtownGirl, Clarabelle, CiaoChessa, The Beauty File and Mary from gla.MAR.ous. It was nice seeing you all.

Outfit Details: Wearing Metallic dress: Misc Present from Mother, Forever 21 shimmer stockings, Wet Seal Metallic booties, gla.MAR.ous Nubia Metallic zipper Headband, Afaze Clutch, Faux Fur: Shila

Cartier Watch, Prima Donna ring and earrings

Make up Detail: Lancome white shadow, Victoria Secret Black Shimmer, Wet N Wild fluid eye liner and red lipstick, and a touch of Bare Minerals Bronzer

A Few of ...The Lovely Ladies

Midtowngirl and I seen above and also Alixrose have a splendid surprise for you all in February shhhh ;-)

I wish you all a splendid weekend! I am probably off to see Brothers tonight, I hope it's good.
Also Check back on my blog Sunday to enter for the chance to win a $50 dollar gift card at Daffy's thanks to the awesome people at Social Media Marketing M80 =)

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