
Evolve Electric Motorcycles

by - 3:40 PM

Yesterday I swung by the Evolve Electric Motorcycles showroom with Jessica and Christina. I had  an awesome time with these ladies chit-chatting and talking about the trials and tribulations of life. 

I realized sometimes, I feel the need to take a break from the fashion universe... not that I don't love it immensely, but it's refreshing to do unrelated activities that allow the brain to unwind.

We got to test drive the bikes and it was so much fun! To be completely honest I was a nervous wreck haha, I only rode it for 2 blocks. In my defense on my way back I did a lot better. It's like riding a regular bicycle almost , it's easy and you just have to get used to the balance. 

Evolve Motorcycles are 100% electric which means no gas and no oil. They're very convenient, all you need to charge the bike is an outlet and you're good to go. A single charge can take you through all the 5 boroughs in NYC.

My father used to own a few motorcycles and I always admired them. They're beautiful and offer a certain sense of liberation I can't really put into words. I'd love to be riding one of these all around town during Spring/Summer. Might be something to look forward to.

(Me, Jessica and Christina) photo via.

What do you think about electric motorcycles? I'm pretty much for anything Eco-friendly and safe.
To find out more about Evolve Electric Motorcycles: Site/ Twitter /Facebook

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