
RIVERDALE Episode 16 'Primary Colors' Recap. Is Veronica Lodge Like Kathryn Merteuil?

by - 11:08 PM

Cruel Intentions...


CW and Archie Comics Riverdale, has been spicing up lately. Ever since we found out South Side High is going to become a prison, shit has hit the fan. 

Archie is in a tough place with Jughead and his father. Jughead going on a hunger strike was hilarious considering the boy will eat anything in front of him... I'm glad he found an alternative by chaining himself to the school. I have a feeling him and Archie are going to hit a massive rough patch soon.

Betty Cooper has a weird situation going on at home with her supposed brother Chic. I feel like this storyline has taken a strange turn and I'm starting to get a little bored with it. 

We found out Chic and Betty do not share the same father... that leads me to believe Chic's father could be FP Jones?!?! Alice Cooper denied it, but I'm not too convinced. If FP Jones is Chic's dad, it would be weird for Betty to share a half-brother with her beau, Jughead... How very Cruel Intentions-ish. Not exactly the same, but you guys know what I mean. 

Speaking of Cruel Intentions, Veronica is also constantly in a hard spot because she has to side with her family even if it hurts her friends. 

There was a scene in 'Primary Colors' where an angry Ethel hands everyone flyers of Veronica, very reminiscent of the books Cecile handed out at the end of 'Cruel Intentions'. Basically calling her a liar and airing a bunch of dirt about her... The Milkshake Ethel threw on her earlier was a treat too.  



It also looks a bit like 'Mean Girls' burn book, but I also thought that was inspired by Cruel Intentions. Anyway, It got me to thinking...  Veronica Lodge shares a lot of traits with 'Cruel Intentions' Kathryn Merteuil. I almost wonder if Kathryn was a partial inspiration for Veronica's 'Riverdale' TV show character.  

Veronica Lodge And Kathryn Merteuil Similarities.

-They are both used to the fancy and lavish life of New York City. 

-They are both very preppy & stylish.
-They both don't mind girl on girl action. 

-They've both done drugs (Even though Veronica's not into that anymore).
-They're both very manipulative. Kathryn toyed with everyone's brain on Cruel Intentions as Veronica has had to do with her friends at Riverdale High.

-They're both quite evil... Kathryn takes the cake on cruelty though. 

These are just a few similarities off the top of my head. I can't wait to see what the next episode of 'Riverdale' holds!

Xo Nubia Xo 

Oh and P.S. Poor little Cheryl Blossom. Mommy will do anything for her money my dear. 

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