Taking It Back: Fashion, Style and Surviving Blogger Slumps.

by - 4:33 PM

Hey Nubians,

There's so many fun and amazing things about having a fashion blog!

I wanted to do a Nubia's Nonsense style #throwback post and talk a bit about my blogging journey. Through my fashion blog, I've met SO MANY people that I can call friends today and I've also gotten so many opportunities. I've been fortunate enough to get job offers, work with great brands, do a bit of styling and consulting and more. These are all things I never expected when I started my blog years ago. I started blogging simply for fun and because I genuinely believe that the way I dress cheers up my days. I wanted to share something that gave me so much joy with the world. 

I have to be honest however, somewhere along the years... probably around the time blogging became so monetized, I lost a lot of passion for it. Things started seeming more and more fake and it also appeared people were doing things ONLY for money or perks. Don't get me wrong, I think making money off your blog is GREAT, amazing really... BUT you shouldn't lose your aesthetic along the way and represent things you don't even believe in. It's a fine line and I myself have tried my best to stay true.

Lately however, and most importantly... I am re-finding my love for posting and I'm planning to change my blog up a bit. It's important to remind yourself when you're going through a slump that you started doing this with a purpose, and you have to redefine your vision and make it fun for you again. I'm going to add more lifestyle, art, mood boards and videos. It's hard to explain the picture in my head but I'm really excited to watch it come to life. I want to focus on connecting with people that love what I love and make friends with similar interest all over the world. That's what it was always about, LOVE & CONNECTING & POSITIVE VIBES. I'm very happy with the things I've been planning lately. I hope you'll all love it too.

Another super fun thing about having a fashion and style blog is that you'll find that when you look back, you often re-inspire yourself. Things like "Oh, That was a cute outfit" or "Why don't I do that anymore?" "I kind of loved my hair that way" etc. I also think about things in the future such as "If I ever have a daughter this is like the ultimate mood board to show her". 

Anyway, I've gone through so many style and hair transitions it's bizarre. I'm so content about it though. I get to look back when I'm older and feel like I was fearless... what a good example to give other young women right? 

I hope you've all enjoyed looking back at some of my fun outfits. For those of you who also have a blog and are going through a slump, I hope you get out of it soon! Maybe I'll make a post featuring some tips for getting out of a blogger slump soon.. I think I have pretty good ones ;-)


Xo Nubia Xo
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