
Polka Dot Trending

by - 11:20 AM

Hello Nubians,

Spring time is almost here! How refreshing. I think pretty much any New Yorker can tell you how damn tired they are of Winter at this point... It's been FREEZING.

I find myself day dreaming of days with cardigans as my warmest piece of outerwear, knee-high socks, little skirts I can twirl around with in the middle of a grass field as the sun beams in my face... sigh.

On another note, my month of February was extremely busy. As much as I do love to work and do anything related with fashion/being creative, I am a human and I do get tired. I wrapped up my project with Diet Coke and work for Fashion Week with Milk Studios also. It was all a lot of FUN but barely gave me anytime to blog so I'm glad to be back to my BABY AKA blog.

I think I had to shake off this case of the blogging blues which is why I'm happy my friend Tineey came over and styled me! It was all kind of unplanned haha and worked out. She knows how playful and colorful my style is and she just so happened to have some pieces she thought I'd look awesome in. Let me tell you guys something... You should all have a friend style you every so often just because it's fun and refreshing to let someone else decide what you're wearing... You could even make cute girl dates out of it =).

Wearing: Uniqlo Polka-dot jacket and floral pants, Sanrio x Forever 21 Hello Kitty top, Vintage necklace.

SMILE Suga-bunnies!!!

Xo Nubia Xo

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