Hey Guys!
Okay this is literally insane. One of the perks and most admirable things about fashion in my opinion is seeing how it's expressed all over the world. Different cultures are beautiful in there own special ways and what may seem horrid to you, might be at the maxim level of pure awesomeness to them. With that said, Let me tell you a bit about Mexican Pointy boots.
My brother emailed a video because he found it funny and thought I'd get a kick out of it. Mexican Pointy boots are no joke! They are not like your traditional pointy shoes, These can EASILY have a point over 24 inches.This trend started in Mexico due to tribal music. Tribal music in Mexico is a mixture of Pre-Hispanic and African sounds mixed with cumbia bass-lines. Different dance crews use these boots in their competitions and it's the biggest trend for them. It's become the sort of situation where whoever has the pointiest boots is looked at like the coolest and hippest or as some would say the Motha#$%@^! BOSS. Currently the dance crews believe using these boots with skinny jeans is the best way to further exaggerate the look, And it's their favorite.
In the video, The people from Mexico explain that this trend started for fun then got out of hand. According to tribal music composer Erick Rincon, he first spotted pointy boots at the Far West Rodeo Club in Dallas. I found extremely interesting that a lot of the dancers have learned to make these boots themselves! They shape them with leather and screws.
These boots come in all sizes, colors, prints, etc. I saw plaid ones, blinged out ones, I even saw ones with a dolls head at the end of the point (That was kind of creepy) But yes, Lady Gaga needs to get on these!

xo Nubia xo
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