
LEGO Slippers Make Us All Happy!

by - 7:31 PM

LEGO Slippers Can Make A lot Of Us 'Ouch' A Little Less. 

These LEGO slippers are pretty damn cool. I read publications spreading the news about these a few days ago and all the headlines spoke all about how fortunate and great these are for parents... what about for kids and teens?! They should make these in all sizes! 

When I was younger, I very much enjoyed playing with LEGO's. I used to try to build houses and communities... they're a great toy to be creative with. However, I used to step on them all the time! It was always so painful and annoying.

According to piwee.net, the LEGO brand has teamed up with French advertising agency Brand Station to create 1,500 pairs of the slippers with extra padding to prevent the pain you get from steeping on a LEGO. The slippers will be distributed randomly to people who fill out a Christmas wish list on the LEGO France website.

They'll make fun little Christmas gifts and hopefully they continue making them in different styles. 

What do you guys think? Hit or miss? 


Xo Nubia Xo

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