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Latin Power! La Borinqueña Superhero.
Hey Nubians,
(Cover art for La Boriquena, Marvel Comic's Puerto Rican superhero.)
I originally read about La Borinqueña and her super powers on NBC News Latino and thought I had to share the news with my readers. Brooklyn-based Marvel Comics writer Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez is the brains behind La Borinqueña. As a latin woman and comic culture lover, you can imagine my excitement! La Borinqueña is a New York-born superhero who discovers her superpowers when she visits the island.
“The very DNA of my existence comes from my Puerto Rican identity,” Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez told The Washington Post.
La Borinqueña has 3 impressive superpowers the derive from nature. She flies fierce as
the winds, possesses super human strength of ocean waves and can teleport wherever a Puerto Rican needs her.I guess you can almost say she's a Puerto Rican guardian angel.
Puerto Rico is going through a difficult financial crisis at the moment and La Borinqueña is a symbol of hope and power for many. They can get through it and come out winning!
I love the cover art for many reasons. First off, her superhero costume is beautiful! A red, white, and blue spandex bodysuit (Puerto Rico flag colors) and I adore the fact that her body isn't being overly exposed like many female comic heroines. She looks sexy and elegant. I also appreciate that she's a woman of color, with a healthy looking body... for example, not overly skinny with a ridiculously small waist. I'm sure all woman can appreciate that because that comicbook industry has been 'Meh" when it comes to female body representation. The cover also contains many respected Puerto Rican individuals such as Hector Lavoe whos music I still occasionally jam to on Pandora and Justice of the Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor among others. What a great way to rep Puerto Rico!
La Borinqueña is the first superhero to be endorsed by the Puerto Rican
Day Parade, which takes place on June 12. The comic book, however, won’t
launch until October at an event titled Café Con Comics, organized by
Miranda-Rodriguez with CUNY East Harlem campus; and in Puerto Rico on
December 17 and 18 at the Aguada Comic Con Fest.
I am very impressed by this project and think Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez is a bit of a superhero himself!
What do you think of La Borinqueña?
Xo Nubia Xo