
McCall's Company Cosplay Patterns At New York Comic Con 2014.

by - 11:34 PM

Hey Nubians,

Cosplaying is so much fun! If you haven't tried it I must say, there's something very liberating about dressing up and channeling your inner superhero or heroine. You want to know what's even MORE COOL? People that make their own costumes! It's easy to go into a store and buy a generic costume, but unique costumes are always so much more intriguing. I personally love to pay attention to detail.

However, making your own cosplay costume can be difficult... especially if you have no experience sewing. This is why McCalls Pattern Booth is such a great stop for you to make if you're thinking of cosplaying in the future or currently cosplay and want to step up your game.

Here are some photos from the booth. They encourage you to pass by and chat about sewing and cosplay. 

McCalls also does patterns for Vogue and other brands which is good to know if you ever need a dress or a particular look for a special occasion.

Here's a photo I got from the teams Facebook below. They look like a fun group of people. 

Till next time my dear readers! 

Photos by Daniel Mejia unless otherwise noted. 

Xo Nubia Xo 

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