
How Do You Keep Yourself Happy?

by - 12:53 PM

Howdy Partners,

Do we all remember why we started blogging? I know what you may be thinking..."Oh no, not another blogger ranting and raving about how they lost their passion blablabla" Well... This isn't QUITE what I'm doing... maybe just a tad bit. It really isn't about blogging per say... sometimes you become so busy that you don't get to do the things you really enjoy... We've all been there and it bloody sucks! This goes for any profession. I think the reason it hurts me a bit more is that I've strayed away from immensely corporate surroundings for this reason and turned to more creative atmospheres... but even so, you still end up with the same feeling.

Seriously for the last week all I've been trying to do is play my damn Ukulele (which I'm still perfecting) and pick up my book... they are such simple but have become rather impossible task.

So my new mission is to start getting more joy out of what I do again. For me this is quite the challenge. I have personal problems, health problems, don't really enjoy writing as much as I used to, and I'm probably suffering from clinical depression and may be bi-polar... Sorry guys, a bit much to take in... I know... I'm living it.

I propose this... I'll keep you all posted on how I'm started to love my life again. So far this is what I'm thinking about for improvement... though it may take a vast amount of discipline.

Way to Improve my Life at the Moment

  • Wake up at 6:30am (instead of 10:00)
  • First thing in the morning head to the gym at least 3 times a week
  • Cut out all fast food and most grain from your diet at least for a month (stick to whole grain/veggies/lots of water)
  • Being that I will be up so early (for me) try to have most work done by 2 o clock and whatever is left be able to do on the go.
  • Spend at least 15 mins a day in silence trying to X-out thoughts from my brain (meditate)
  • Read at least 30 mins a day
  • Practice self discipline
  • Pick up a new hobby
  • Go for walks more often

These are all tips I've gathered through a variety of books and people. More of us need to incorporate changes in our lives than you would think. It's hard to just get up one day and say I'm going to change but I THINK I DID sometime earlier this week.

Another thing, Cut people out of your life who are just straight up useless or bring you down or are really fake etc. Pardon if I sounds mean but I'm just keeping it REAL. I wrote on my Facebook a few days ago a quote I read online...

May the bridges I burn light the way

and I believe that's a good way to look and life and a good motto to try to live by.

I hope this helped someone out and maybe encouraged some of you to pick yourself up from the hole you may have dug yourself in or motivated you to break your routine a bit so you can be passionate about what you're doing. Too often people forget that you only have 1 life! at least one life that you will remember I think.... and you are only young once.

Now that I've got that out the way, Enjoy the outfit pics below! Toodles

Wearing Mossimo boots, Calvin Klein stockings, MNG shirt,  Mohamed Ali "I Am The Greatest" New Era snap back, Free Endearment purse.

Taking photos for instagram

If you like my look, head on over to the Free Endearment Facebook page and vote HERE. Thank you!

Xo Nubia Xo

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