
Young Survivor Coalition In Living Pink Gala: Fight Breast Cancer

by - 1:14 PM

A few days ago I went to visit my friend and designer of Boy Meets Girl, Stacy Igel. I have nothing but great things to say about Stacy, she's truly a beautiful person. I found out she's part of the Young Survival Coalition's committee and was also a co-chair for several years in the past.

I wanted to talk a bit about the Young Survivor Coalition In Living Pink Gala. Women of all ages suffer from breast cancer. I can only imagine how horrible it must feel to be diagnosed and all of the feelings/emotions that come along with it. That's why I believe it's important to have a good support system. 

Here is some more information on the YSC and Gala:

"On Wednesday, May 16, 2012, Young Survival Coalition (YSC) will hold its eleventh annual In Living Pink gala to raise funds to support, educate and empower young women with breast cancer. Young Survival Coalition is the premier global organization dedicated to the critical issues unique to young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Using in informative interactive website, education resources and programs, YSC’s goal is that young women feel supported, empowered and hopeful and most importantly, are not left to face breast cancer alone. I lost a dear friend to the disease several years ago, so it is so important to raise breast cancer awareness to young women, and my peers and friends like you. "

The good news is that there is a few ways you can help:

1) You can attend the event and buy an early bird ticket for $150.00 HERE. The theme is Monte Carlo Casino Game Night. It will be fun and all for a great cause! 

2) If you can not attend for whatever reason, you can donate to raise awareness and fight breast cancer HERE

3) You can purchase a Boy Meets Campus Candy Girl tee shirt. 10% of the sales of the Boy Meets Campus Candy Girl collection go directly to the YSC. SHOP HERE

 *To check out some of Stacy's prior coverage you can click here and here

We all know someone - who knows someone - who knows someone - who has gone through this. I urge you all to get involved it you can. 

 Thank You. 

Xo Nubia Xo

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