I Love to Singa
Hello Everyone,
Just a regular pretty pleasant say for me.. Okay, I'm lying I've been going NUTS. I'm so glad holiday shopping is almost over! Every year I say I will start Christmas shopping in December but do I? NO. I'm so stubborn, I can always try next year I suppose.

I am really digging this cape. I love the color scheme, the birds, the fringe, it's really a great piece. My brother came back from Dominican Republic a few weeks ago and my Dad sent me a Set (necklace and earrings) which you can see me wearing here. The set is made out of Coconut shells which I think is awesome and Impressive so Kudos to the Dominican man who made it! The necklace also reminds me of a tie a little bit.

The shoes I'm wearing here are from Colombia. My mom gave them to me a long time ago. I've gotten a bit of mix reviews on them But I adore them. They're clog inspired and straw woven.

These red pants have a bit of sentimental value. They're from the Virgin Mega store before it closed. If you're from NY you know what I'm talking about *tears*

On a TOTALLY random note, because that's the kind of stuff I do. Whats going on with kids cartoons these days? I might like one of two but I can't think of any off the top of my head honestly. I'm not quite sure if I'm just rebelling against the modern little children generation BUT they sure don't make them like they use to.
In honor of my rebellion I'd like to introduce you to one of my favorite childhood cartoons that use to play on Cartoon Network. Meet Owl Jolson. He was a little owl that like to sing Jazz but his Dad was a voice piano teacher and hated Jazz. They were really strict. But Owl Jolson followed his dream and kept singing and eventually his parent accepted and supported it. So cute and innocent! he even won a prize at a contest. If you have 8 minutes to spare be my guest and watch.