
X-MEN (Cute Kitten Version)

by - 5:16 PM

Hey Nubians,

I'm am beyond excited to watch X-Men Days of Future Past tonight. Ever since I was a young girl I used to wake up Saturday mornings to watch X-Men cartoons. They were THE BEST THING EVER. The cartoons are honestly what got me into the world of comics point-period.

In honor of the movies release today, I decided to do a little throwback to when I cosplayed as Emma Frost AKA The White Queen at New York Comic Con. Beautiful and evil just how I like them.

"An urbane, mutant telepath with a well-noted dry wit initially known as the White Queen, Frost has evolved from one of the X-Men's most dangerous foes to one of its most central members and leaders."

I also wanted to share this awesome X-Men (Cute Kitten Version) video made by the rad folks over at The Pet Collective. Kittens would seriously take over the world if they had the supers powers shown in the video below from X-Men... I mean, they're almost taking it over already with their utter cuteness.

About The Pet Collective:   "THE PET COLLECTIVE is produced by FremantleMedia, the global company behind such hits as American Idol and America’s Got Talent. Its popular live streams can be found at www.youtube.com/ThePetCollective, while The Pet Collective also offers a full website at www.ThePetCollective.tv, which combines its original, short-form video programming with the best Internet pet content every day. Pet lovers can also follow THE PET COLLECTIVE on multiple social media sites."

Do you love comics? What's your favorite series or character? 

Xo Nubia Xo

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