
Beautiful Simplicity by William Eggleston.

by - 2:21 AM

Hey Nubians,

"Sometimes I just need a good photo to make me want to switch up my style..." -Nubia

Recently I was looking through a lot of William Eggleston photographs and felt really inspired. I like to think of him like a O.G street style photographer. The difference between him and a lot of street style photographers I see now-a-days is Eggleston wasn't looking for someone dressed ridiculously in feathers or outrageous hats and costumes, he wasn't looking for the most amazing landscape views either... he focused more on the beauty of boring things that we don't see many times, things we tend to overlook.

I believe his true talent is taking something that looks like nothing and making it a beautiful photograph.

He captured all sorts of people in very natural and unplanned situations and makes it all come to life. I feel as if all the photos I've posted speak to me... there's a hidden story behind all of these and it makes it fun to look at because I create my own story. It becomes a fun creative exercise.

Eggleston spent over 50 years photographing his town of Memphis, Tennessee.  I've heard Memphis is not the most exciting place ever, but through his eyes I wouldn't mind visiting at all.

Another pretty interesting fact about his photography is a lot of it looks like it could have been taken around the 1920's but it's not. Explore your neighborhood! There are a lot of preserved places and you never know what beautiful treasures you may discover. 

I hope you enjoy his photography as much as I do. It has a very retro/vintage vibe and looking at these makes me want to go through my closet and explore my wardrobe. Look up William Eggleston for more intriguing and fascinating photography. 

Xo Nubia Xo

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