
The Secret.

by - 1:03 AM

Hey Nubians,

Life has been fun lately. I've been up to a lot which I hope to speak more about soon. Fashion, life, exploring, moving around, trying new things, everything has been enticing to say the least.

On another note, I love American Apparel high-waited jeans,, if you don't own a pair I recommend you try them out. This is a cute and casual little outfit I wore last week. My Not Rated oxfords are insanely comfortable. 

Moving on,  I was born and raised in NYC and it's been nice to be around so much green and nature lately and not around so much buildings. Something about being able to hear my own thoughts is quite nice. The air even smells different (takes a deep breath).

On to makeup, I'm still highly smitten with my Wet n Wild eye brow kit. It works so good and is so affordable.

Xo Nubia Xo

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