
Purple Eye Shadow Look.

by - 10:54 PM

Hey Nubians,

I was sent a few products from the Aveda Heart Lands Collection a few weeks back and was so excited to try them out. 

It's always satisfying to know you're using quality products. I can always count on Aveda to carry merchandise that's infused with plant and fruit waxes and feel nice on my skin. It's good and important to know what you're putting on your face ladies!!! C'mon y'all.

I kind of created this look by improvising, it was fun and I was happy with the results. A bit heavy on the eyes and neutral lips. The Heart Lands collection has nomadic inspired eyes and rich colors.

To learn how I got these results step by step please watch my video tutorial which you'll find in this post.

What Products I Used


Watch my video and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel :) 

Xo Nubia Xo 

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