
Healthy Snacks.

by - 1:56 AM

Hey Nubians!

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. 
-Jim Rohn 

Recently I've been trying to lose a little bit of weight (maybe 5 lbs or so) and get fit without totally hating my life... By that, I mean still having yummy snacks that aren't horribly unhealthy.

Today I went on a light food shopping trip and wanted to share with you guys some of my picks. Stuff I've been snacking on that can still keep your eating habits enjoyable.

My Yummy Snacks List.

  • Fit and Active Pumpkin Pie Yogurt: Um, HELLO it's Fall. Pumpkin mania is everywhere... As much as I'd love to just drink pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks all day, even the tall one has 380 calories! This yogurt if yummy and has under 100 calories and only cost .39 cents! 
  • Kefir: Such a amazing probiotic with beneficial bacteria and available in yummy flavors. It's also quite filling and lowfat. 
  • Fiber Now: These bars are yummy and are low in calories. We also know that fiber is very good for the body. Plus, Peanut Butter? Nom, Nom! 
  • Multigrain Chips: Anything multigrain is pretty good when trying to stay healthy and chips are always a fun snack. 
  • Garlic Hummus: I'm a big hummus fan and garlic does wonders for your body... As a matter of fact some people consider it one of the worlds healthiest food. From curing colds, to acne, to helping your hair grow longer, it's pretty amazing. Also, I'm def going to be dipping my multigrain chips in this hummus. 
  • Baby Carrots: They're good for weight management and also are a good source of fiber. 

Those were my purchases for today. Slowly trying to change my eating habits towards being healthier so I'll be happy about my body and health as I grow older. 

What healthy snacks do you love to eat? 

Xo Nubia Xo 

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