
New Hair

by - 12:04 AM

Hello Nubians,

I know I've been pretty much MIA on the blog lately but I had to take a break. Between my crazy work schedules and this horrible NYC weather with Sandy and Nor'easter I have just been terribly uninspired. On that note, I'm not one to come and make a million filler post on my site. I am trying to gather all my positive energy into doing the things I love again so bare with me! it happens to all of us.

On a separate note, TA DA! I dyed my hair again. From a crazy strong/bold red to this dark purple. I would say this color is a mix between purple and brown. It was terribly difficult to take the red out and the color stained my hair, my hair dresser put this color on to cover up what was left of the red. I wasn't too crazy about it at first, but the color has grown on me.

Well that's all for now. Be back soon with some content I've been holding back.

Oh, and if you're wondering, my headband is gla.MAR.ous.

Xo Nubia Xo

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