
Socialista New York

by - 1:39 PM

This is how Le Freddy Kruger chic is done as my pal Le City Kitty said, I couldn't agree more. Nightmare on Elm Street was always a favorite childhood movie of mine, this might have been a subconscious decision.

All Photos Taken by David Browne (Midtownchap)

Tuesday Night I went to support my big bloggy sister Amy Chandra from Midtown Girl on her second Socialista New York event at Kibo Lounge. The event was sponsored by OpenSky  and the ladies from Shopafrolic had an accessories table set up where we could model the items and have some photoshoot fun. 

Tineey, Amy and myself. I was sipping on the Socialista cocktails all night. According to Amy "It taste like rose water or something sexy" haha. All I remember is it had Vodka....and well.... It tasted sexy.

There was delicious appetizers flowing around all night. Big kudos to Kibo Lounge, it was all seriously tasty and trust me I'm picky.

Amy with Shopafrolic founders Liz Lange and Jane Wagman

Myself, Amy, and the Beautiful Glendy rocking pleather haha love it!

Can you say Nom, Nom?

And I bumped into the lovely Jenni from ISpydiy, Always a pleasure.

I had a great time mingling, catching up with people, and taking photos. I look forward to what the next SocialistaNY event will be like. I'm sure Amy has an ace up her sleeve.

Xo Nubia Xo

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