
New York Comic Con: What I Wore (Wiwt)

by - 11:29 PM

Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself

I hope you enjoyed my post below about my first day at New York Comic Con. I decided not to Cosplay the first day because I wanted to hang out and take in the atmosphere instead of attending panels all day (like I probably will be for the rest of NYCC). I still had to dress funky because well.... It's just my nature.

Wearing: H&M Hoodie and Suspenders, Charlotte Russe Booties, American Apparel stockings, DIY Joyce Collection Denim Shorts, Misc Top.

These American Apparel stocking received SO much attention. Seriously, I know they're cool and all but I got photographed and asked about them a lot. I was surprised.

Being that I'm a community manager and I do all things social media, I love all the hashtags, @ signs, and dollar bills on these. It's like... I'm wearing my life on my legs ha ha.

My Wonder Woman pose. My lovely lady lumps.

Tomorrow I will be some-what cosplaying and Saturday I'm going pretty HARD. Make sure to check back everyday and Follow me on Twitter @NubiasNonsense for more frequent updates.

Xo Nubia Xo

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