
New York Comic Con: Day 1

by - 11:22 PM

Today was the first day of New York Comic Con. It was pretty sweet, I always get these crazy butterflies when I know NYCC is around the corner. I didn't attend any panels today. My Friday, Saturday and Sunday are full of panels however, so it was refreshing to just hang around the booths today and meet people.

I met photographers, artist, designers, cosplayers, exchanged business cards... It was Fantastic. I'm such a sucker for people I think are talented... I can talk to them all day and just want to learn what drives them. I guess it's because I'm such a passionate person myself.

Here are some pretty cool photos I took today.

Ruby Rhod from The Fifth Element absolutely stole all the cameras attention. I mean... Look at him? He did a kick ass job! Chris Tucker would be proud. He was also such a diva... I loved it. Not to mention all the leopard, C'mon now! You know how I feel about leopard *SWOON*

Now you can have your own StarWars Revenge Of The Jedi x's NubiasNonsense action figure (shown above) POW! Making big moves.

Punch Brand Socks

Punch Brand is this cool Japanese/Pop Culture inspired brand. You'll be hearing more about them on NubiasNonsense soon. Such cute and playful pieces.

Bunny Bag and Lace.

Kawaii! Look at this dazzling lady channeling a lovely lolita. She did a superb job, kudos.

Scary! He loves me.

More 5th Element coolness.

Tokidoki! Always a hit.

He is vengence, he is the night, he is.....

This lady above is sporting "Head Kandi." These Tubular crins are such a statement. They look like shiny dreads. I'll be passing be their booth again for sure.

Myself and my homeboy Optimus Prime just hanging out.

"Catches thieves just like flies, Look Out! Here comes the Spiderman.

StarWars Halloween! *SWOON*

Oh, you didn't know I hang out with Goku? He adores NN. (Dragon Ball Z)

Lego Spidey!

Lego Halo! For all you Halo freaks out there.

Cartoon Network Adventure Time!

Seriously these are just SOME of the photos I took. There will be A LOT more.

Make sure to check back everyday if you want awesomeness oozing out of your computer screen. To quote my main man Barney Stinson...

“It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!”

Follow the Nubia Network of your right hand side. Thank you!

Xo Nubia Xo

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