
Fall Fashion: Cute and Cool Beanies.

by - 2:17 AM

Hello Nubians, 

I Love To Support Independent Designers.

The Fall season will have you going into your closet and digging up your beanies in no time. Beanies are ALWAYS popular during Fall/Winter. They're stylish and some come with pretty awesome embellishments such as sequins, bows, and other cool brooches or patterns. 

If you're looking to add some new beanies to your collection, you know... something a little unique that you won't see on random strangers in the street, you should head over to shopglamarous.com
Below I made this little collage to show you some of my favorites. 

The first one (Hot Pink Crown Beanie) is actually my favorite! You can't see it in the photo very clearly, but it's a blinged out crown and will be your statement piece of the season. Seriously I'm not even exaggerating when I say it's the kind of piece you save to hand down to your future children (quality stuff). 

Anyway, beanies for me are such a Fall essential so I thought I'd share these. What's your must have item for the Fall Season?  

Xo Nubia Xo 

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