
Peaches, Panties, Butts.

by - 2:25 AM

Hello My Gorgeous Nubians,

Bringing Sexy Back! In A Food Porn Kind Of Way.

We all know that peach is a sexy looking fruit right? I mean it's shaped like a booty! Everyone loves a nice butt, don't deny it. Tis the season of fruit consumption too.

There's a cool trend going on in China right now where produce stands are selling peaches wearing pretty lace looking underwear. The idea came to life when a fruit vendor in Nanjing looked at peaches and must of thought hot, hot thoughts because he decided to dress them in cute little panties and call them "Ripe Fruit" (kudos on the name by the way, me-ow).

They're being sold in a 9 pack layed out in a satin draped box for $80 dollars a pop! Genius I tell ya! The first thing I thought when I saw these is "How didn't I think of this!?"

I find these freaking adorable. I would appreciate a box as a gift. I find them funny, clever and creative.

These don't make me feel uncomfortable at all. Would you take a bite?

Photos via Kotaku 

What do you think about peaches in sexy panties? 

Xo Nubia Xo

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