
NYX Cosmetics Macaron Lippie Lipstick Review + Swatches.

by - 12:20 PM

Hello my beautiful Nubians,

You all know I'm obsessed with lipsticks right? Makeup can be so much fun! I like to live a little and try something bold and a little crazy every so often and that's why I love the NYX Cosmetics Macaron Lippie Lipsticks. Bright purples, blues, turquoise, black, yellows, pink.... so many not so everyday colors that you can get creative with.

I find a lot of people get scared when trying these colors out but don't be! Life should be all about trying new things and putting yourself out there even with makeup, go for it. Plus these colors all have a beautiful satin matte finish which doesn't hurt.

Below you'll see me review my 2 favorite colors from the NYX Macaron Lippie Lipstick collection as of yet, Blue Velvet and Violet.

Enjoy and CLICK HERE to subscribe to my NUBTube for more videos.

Xo Nubia Xo

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