
My Awesome Birthday!

by - 3:30 PM

Hello Nubians,
I never got to tell you about my birthday, did I? Well that's probably because it was the weekend before New York Fashion Week (February 3rd) and I was super busy working with the rad people over at MILK Studios for MADE Fashion Week so here we go...

I have to say, I think it may have been the best birthday I've had in YEARS. Something about having an intimate get together after so many years of lounging and clubbing and going crazy like some sort of very untamed night crawler was extremely soothing and much needed.

My friend Mary and I were talking one day and I told here I wanted to have a fun themed birthday party so we decided on Candy Land. She was more than happy to help me put the whole thing together and she did ALL the cooking (which was Delish!). I almost felt like calling her Master Chef Mar because she totally out did her self. We had buffalo chicken dip, 7 layer dip, turkey sausage sandwiches with peppers and onions, french fries, all sorts of chips, ice cream cone cup cakes and endless amounts of candy... it was AWESOME.

I also mentioned I wanted to do sort of a DIY photo booth and well, as you can see below that was brought to life and very much enjoyable. We purchased props and everyone was bugging out and having a great time. Lots of beers, whiskey shots, cotton candy vodka and good times. It was so nice seeing a lot of friends I haven't seen in a while and you may even recognize 2 of my close friends I met through blogging who came Tineey and Jasmin.  BTW Jasmin did my super cute bangs! Somewhere throughout the night there was an intense game of Flip cup where of course my team was victorious haha.

Photo-booth fun along with some Whiskey and Hennessy shots.
Dolla Dolla Bill YO!
Yummmmmy sweets!
All smiles and funny faces. 

Everyone got to go home with a bag full of sweets!

Thanks to everyone who came out and to Mary for helping me do everything! Love you guys Xx

Xo Nubia Xo

Follow the Nubia Network on your right hand side, Thank you! 

P.S. I didn't forget about my Mimobot x Ugly Doll Giveaway I had! Sorry for the delay. The winner is Lydia Harpe! Congrats, I will be in touch soon.

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