Changes to NubiasNonsense

by - 4:17 PM

Nubia's Nonsense is my baby. Many of you may not know this, but when I started this blog it opened a lot of window's for me in my career. It's gotten me where I am today in a lot of different aspects.

Unfortunately as many of you may know... It is extremely hard to keep up when you are working a or many jobs and working on different projects with people etc.

For this reason I have decided to make some sort of outlined posting schedule for Nubia's Nonsense. I've never been a huge fan of blog calendars, but I figure with the amount of things I have going on right now... this may be the best route. This also gives my readers something to come back to all the time.

So without future delay... This is the general outline of what Nubia's Nonsense will be looking like.

Monday: Outfit: Every Monday I will be posting an outfit of the week and talking about my day, how I styled my outfit and why.
Tuesday: Beauty: This will rotate between hair, makeup, nails, remedies, etc.
Wednesday: I Like Men... This segmant in my blog will be my thoughts on what I like Men in! I like men in bowties, I like men in Raybans... you get the point.
Thursday: Nubia's Corner: Thursday's will be a big question mark? Mysterious right? On Thursdays I may talk about health, romance, life, art or I may just simply do another fashion post. It really depends the mood of the week.
Friday: Foodie Friday/Outfit Post: Friday's will rotate between a food post and perhaps an additional outfit post.
Saturday/Sunday: I might not be posting on these days but if I do, It will be an Instagram recap.

Guys... Seriously... I am very grateful. I've opened and closed many chapters in my life lately and this blog has remained as something I truly love and will continue to do. For all of you who have followed me from the beggining, You truly rock and thank you so much! and for my new followers, welcome!

Lets see where this takes us... and in the words of some smart and clever individual... "May the bridges I burn light the way"

Xo Nubia Xo

Follow the Nubia Network on your right hand side. Thank you.

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