
Snotgirl Comic Review By A Fashion Blogger.

by - 11:51 PM

Hey Nubians, 

A Fashion Blogger is Fashion Blogging to Review A Comic Book About a Fashion Blogger... Fathom That! 

This past weekend I was just being my cute & cool little self when my brother messaged me on Facebook to see if I'd heard about the new Snotgirl comic book written by Bryan Lee O'Malley (Creator of Scott Pilgrim which I very much enjoyed). Lately I have read a few random comicbooks, but I haven't dedicated myself to a series in quite some time. My brother thought it would interest me because it's about a Fashion Blogger! Being a geek girl/fashionista & beauty blogger this immediately caught my interest. 

I used my fabulous teleporting powers (or my PT Cruiser, whatever) and found myself at Alternate Reality Comics on Maryland Parkway here in Las Vegas. It's the comic book shop that's closest to me and the owner is cool as hell. If you haven't been and you're in Vegas please do check them out. They have a pretty interesting story too.

I quickly found Snotgirl and guess what?! I just finished reading it about 5 minutes before I decided to write this post. The had 2 covers available and I ended up buying the one on the left. So here's the verdict...

The main character of the comic is called Lottie Person. She is a beautiful fashion blogger and social media star that I would say has a few self esteem issues. This is a bit of a dark comedy. She struggles with maintaining real relationships as opposed to the ones she has via social media on twitter/facebook and so on. I could tell that her character feels a huge emptiness in her life because she has perhaps built too much of a following online and not enough genuine relationships. She doesn't have a best friend and spends all day on her phone taking selfies and having group chats with other bloggers. 

One of the things she's very insecure about is her allergies... hence the name 'Snotgirl'. She doesn't like how her allergies make her appear and wouldn't dream of taking a photo in those conditions. She tends to hide from people when she's like this and takes this matter very seriously. I'm going to guess this serves as some sort of metaphor in the comic about how she's being over sensitive about appearances and perhaps about how sometimes we may be a bit vain about looks... basically being snotty = snotgirl. Well played. This is what it means to me for now at least unless it evolves into something else in the story. 

I predict that because of Lottie's insecurities this comic is going to have a bit of a dark side and some mystery and a blogger feud. There was a bit of a cliff hanger/twist at the end of this first issue which is always fun and leaves you wanting more. 

Lottie is likable for now and has a few friends that seem really into themselves and one that's kind of cool. I'm excited to pick up the next issue as I've decided to keep on reading it. It looks like a promising series and with me being a fashion blogger I'm curious to see how O'Malley will portray us ( I'll still be a fan!).

 (photo above so you can preview a bit of the books color story, art, outfits, hair, makeup, etc.) 

I loved the art work in the book by Leslie Hung. It's chic, girly, and detailed. I'm also a fan of the pastel color story. From head to toe it's pretty dreamy. I think I already want some of the outfits and accessories she drew in the first issue. She has the fashion blogging world down pretty solid. From the poses I saw (we're pretty known for those), to the hair colors/cuts, big eyelashes, neck chokers, fluffy shoes, literally everything. I think she's doing a fantastic job. It's very lady like and I'm pretty positive it would remind you of a blogger or 2 you follow. 

Do I relate to Lottie?

This was one of the main reasons I picked up the book. I think I can relate to her in some ways. When I first started blogging it was hard for me to make time for both real life relationships and online ones... I think I have a nice balance now. It can be overwhelming and tiring. It's also very easy to feel insecure when you're taking photos all the time. I have had people call my ugly, fat, stupid, I'll never forget the day a stranger (internet troll) commented on one of my post saying 'I wish you die' for no damn reason! It can really get in your head and be intense at times. I can surely relate to anxiety issues.

I wonder if O'Malley plans to talk about fashion blogging in a positive light. I have built a lot of solid friendships through blogging and a great support system. Friends that through time have helped me with personal issues as well as in my career. I also have inspired a lot of young women in a lot of different ways who have gone out of their way to tell me I have helped them be more confident or I've made their day better among a few things.

I'm also SUPER excited for some sort of villain to develop! Please tell me there's a mastermind, backstabbing villain coming! I once was the community manger for a mentorship type of website of over 50,000 bloggers and let me tell you something buddy, there's no shortage of blogging villains out there! I would probably serve as a great consultant. 


I recommend the book. I think it would make a great gift to anyone who enjoys comics, fashion & beauty as well as social media.

A little look inside of Alternate Reality Comics.

You know I had to add a few outfit photod in here right? I am a fashion blogger after all. I'm very casually dressed in a dope pair of statement sneakers by New Balance, Comfy Cargos from ROSS, Top from H&M and my orange lip is NYX.

Nala Says Hi.

Till next time! Let me know if you pick up Snotgirl and what you think. 


Xo Nubia Xo

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