
5 Trends I'm Really into Spring/Summer 2014.

by - 4:34 PM

Hello Nubians,

There's something about this time of year that always puts me on that "I'm a Child of Mother Nature" groove. All of a sudden my inner bohemian comes out and I just want to take a deep breathe in and enjoy any inch of fresh air my little lungs can obtain.

5 trends I'm really into this Spring/Summer. 

  • I'm smitten with ruffles right now. They add an immense feminine and romantic touch to everything.
  • Gladiator sandals are the bomb. I totes know tons of people that hate on them but I don't give a shiz. They are empowering and make your legs look prettier.
  • Let's get playful with the sunglasses! Cool shapes and some D.I.Y wouldn't kill you my dears. Run to the store and buy a glue gun now!
  • Floppy hats and pretty much any strong head piece... #JustBecause
  • Out of this world bold lip colors. I didn't put many in this collage right here per-say BUT, I want to toy around with pastels... purples and blues mainly. You'd probably be able to find some fantastic shades at Lime Crime or Melt Cosmetics.
(I thought I'd leave out mentioning prints like florals and tribals, those a way obvious right?)

I also happen to find myself on a Frida Kahlo-ish inspiration kick.  I feel her style as her art is revolutionary and influential to modern culture. Long skirts, corsets, bold head pieces... I have a lot of shopping to do my friends.

Anyway, Please enjoy this little collage I put together just for kicks and giggles. Toodles!

Spring/Summer 2014

Xo Nubia Xo

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