
5 Quick Spring Hairstyles Using A Headband.

by - 4:41 PM

Hello Nubians,

Those days our very, very near, you know... where the humidity will make you want to walk around naked and you will have no idea what to do with your hair and ponder chopping it off? We all experience this! Isn't it gross when your hair literally sticks to your face? HATE IT.

I often find headbands are a total Spring/Summer Saviour for your hair. It gets hair out of your face while having you sport a stylish accessory at the same time. Check out my video where I will show you how you can get the 5 hairstyles below (each in under 2 minutes). I'll be using a few of my many gla.MAR.ous headbands for the tutorials. You'll look like a mega babe and you can thank me later. Kisses!

Xo Nubia Xo

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