
Review for POND'S Luminous Finish BB+ Cream.

by - 12:52 AM

Hello Nubians,

A few weeks ago I received POND'S Luminous finish BB+ cream and was quite excited! I've heard good things and was looking for something that would give my skin a bit of coverage and a luminous glow.

Some things that I read about this product which I thought were insightful are that

  • POND'S Luminous finish BB+ cream reduces the appearance of dark spots to even skin tone in two weeks
  • This BB+ cream contains Vitamin E Acetate, an antioxidant known to soften skin and Glycerin which helps increase hydration.
Watch my video review below were I apply the product and find out what I think!

Hace unas semanas recibe el producto POND'S Luminous finish BB+ cream y estoy satisfecha con los resultados. Abajo puedes ver unas fotos de antes y despues. Cubrío imperfecciones pequeñas en mi piel y la crema se siente bonita, no es pegajosa. My dejo la piel luminosa! 



Xo Nubia Xo 

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