
Christmas Crook.

by - 5:09 PM

Hello Nubians,

A few days ago I went to see the infamous Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree with my friends Jasmin and Mary. I wanted to spend time with Jasmin especially this day because she moved to the West Coast and it was also her birthday recently... I have lots of love for both of these girls.

Hace unos días fui a ver el famoso árbol de Navidad del Rockefeller Center con mis amigos Jasmin y María. Quería pasar tiempo con Jasmin especialmente este día porque ella se mudó a la costa oeste y también era su cumpleaños recientemente ... Tengo mucho amor para ambas amigas.

It's funny because as was saw the tree I couldn't help but thinking (and I think everyone else did too) how damn small it looked! Realistically, it probably looked tiny because we were used to seeing it as children and back then, everything seemed grand and magical. In this situation, I almost took it as a metaphor for life. A lot of things lose their glamour as you get older... its quite sad. Myself and a lot of my friends struggle to do things we love and explore different places and opportunities every day to add new found happiness and joy in our everyday lives.... Most people I know don't enjoy routines (Creative types). With that being said kiddies, NEVER SETTLE.

Es curioso, porque cuande vi el arbol, no podía dejar de pensar (y creo que todos los demás también) Que pequeño se veía! Siendo realistas, probablemente se veía tan chiquito porque estábamos acostumbrados a ver como los niños y en aquel entonces, todo parecía grandioso y mágico. En esta situación, casi me lo tomé como una metáfora de la vida. Con edad, muchas cosas que nos fascinaban antes perdieron su glamor. Yo y muchos de mis amigos luchan para hacer las cosas que amamos y explorar diferentes lugares y oportunidades cada día para seguir contentos con nuestra vida como adultos. La mayoría de la gente que conozco no disfrutan de rutinas (tipos creativos). Con eso dicho, NUNCA SE CONFORMEN.

On this day I had an all black look going... it was also sort of a Madonna thing too in a way. I was singing "Like A Virgin" the whole time while I was waiting in line for my Mocha Latte at Starbucks. Coincidentally, my puffy black skirt is really a black one piece from Material Girl.

En este día viste en todo negro ... Tambien tuve un look muy "Madonna" de los 80s. Estaba cantando "Like A Virgin" todo el tiempo mientras esperaba en la linea se Starbucks para mi Mocha Latte. Casualmente, mi falda es de la linea de ropa de Madonna y su hija "Material Girl".

Wearing: Material Girl dress, Dr. Marten boots, Crooks & Castles sweater, gla.MAR.ous faux leather Rita II, Vintage purse, H&M faux moto jacket. 

Happy Holidays everyone! 

Xo Nubia Xo

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