
THE CHUCKY MEGAMIX at New York Comic Con.

by - 4:10 PM

Hey Nubians,

I was really bummed to have missed The Chucky 25th Anniversary Panel at New York Comic Con. I was emailed a video that played at some point during the panel and is freaking AMAZING. I introduce to you "THE CHUCKY MEGAMIX" by Mike Relm. I really enjoyed watching it and it has some super catchy music I want to put on my iPod. Being the Child's Play fan that I am, I was quite saddened I didn't make it but watching this video certainly cheered me up.

Halloween is around the corner kiddies, Get in the spirit. 

To read about The Chucky 25th Anniversary panel head over to Geeks of DOOM HERE.

WARNING: Gory, bloody content below. Do you dare? 

Xo Nubia Xo 

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