

by - 1:33 AM

Hello Nubians,

Just wanted to make a quick post! For those of you who don't follow me on Instagram, head on over and check out what I'm up to here => http://www. Instagram.com/NubiasNonsense

Woooohooooo it's the weekend my babies! Anyone have exciting plans? Movies, trips, drinks, music? Whatever it is, HAVE FUN and let loose a bit... I'm sure you deserve it ;-)

Yummy drink over at The Sugar Factory.
Myself and my beautiful older sister.

A sweet gift from Kensie.

#ThrowbackThursday outfit photo.

Words of Wisdom.
Me and my baby Bambi.

Lovely gifts c/o Aveda! Can't wait to review.

Hanging out at Milk Studios.

Yummy. LOVE Sonic. I go every time I wander out in Jersey.

Xo Nubia Xo

Follow the NubiasNonsense Social Media Channels on your right hand side, Thank you!

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