
Head Scarf Babe.

by - 11:34 PM

Hello Nubian Queens and Kings,

I was in Jersey a few days ago with my girlfriend, and she was nice enough to snap some outfit pics. I guess this outfit has a little bit of the 1950s/1960s sprinkled over it... From the cute head scarf to the shoes with the popular cherry print and just the vibe in general... That was an amazing fashion era for women wasn't it?

I adore a good head scarf. I like this one by gla.MAR.ous because it has a wire inside that lets you mold the headband how you'd like and it'll stay in place. I also like the the back is wide and covers most of my hair.

These shoes by Dollhouse are Soooo comfortable I can't even begin. The print drives me bananas too *In Love*

Kiss, kiss, with a bit of playfulness.

All smiles, A good motto to live by.

Wearing: Forever 21 top, H&M shorts, coach clutch, gla.MAR.ous headband, Dollhouse shoes. 

Xo Nubia Xo 

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