Just a few random photos from the last few days! Follow me on Instagram HERE.
I seriously had a good laugh when I saw "Tea Twitter" in flushing. #Shocking The influence of Social Media.
Making myself some healthy treats.
I went to see the Mets vs Dodgers at Citifield... Mets lost by 1 =(
Cool lighting earrings! I had Yellow, Blue and Red going on for Colombian Independence Day.
Always so good.
I went to see Traces off Broadway. Good show... and if you get there 2 hours before the show and you're lucky sometimes, You can get rush tickets for $25. Traces is like a smaller more urban version of Cirque de Soleil in some scenes.
Getting Fit.
Napping with Bambi.
Cool Batman jelly pop.
Xo Nubia Xo
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