
Suave Keratin Infusion

by - 12:56 PM

About a week or 2 ago I was sent a Suave Keratin Infusion Shampoo, Conditioner, and Smooth and Shine Serum. I'm often experimenting with different shampoo's, but I grew up buying Suave so this was kind of special. It's always been extremely affordable, Sometimes as low as a dollar... and it's never steered me wrong. Might have not been the best shampoo ever back in the day, but it got the job done. However.....

Suave Keratin Infusion is awesome! Seriously, I mean it. It's one of my favorite shampoo/conditioners of the moment and I like it a lot more than prior Suave products I've tried. Here are a few quick reasons I like it.

  1. It's a regular to apply shampoo and conditioner and it happens to smell very good.
  2. It helps calm down the frizz in my hair.
  3. I don't need to use a styler on it the next morning or a curler if I don't want to. Even if I let it air dry it comes out very nice which is a lot more than I can say for other shampoo/conditioners. 

    Not to mention it has Keratin which we all know is very pricey at salons. There will be an Intense Keratin treatment kit from Suave available at stores also  and I hear it's less than $20 dollars, which is a steal!


    My hair is thick and wavy and difficult to work with. I've dyed it so many times, it's definitely mistreated. I love the results Suave Keratin Infusion had on my hair. You don't even have to believe me! The shampoo and conditioner is going to be sold for about $3 dollars each, you should just go and try it out yourself.

    I made a video talking about it below. It was a sponsored video and I made it in Spanish so you might not all understand it but I''ll put it up anyway for my Spanish audience... It's basically saying what I said in this review here.

    Let me know if you have any questions! I'll be glad to get back to you.

    Xo Nubia Xo

    Follow the Nubia Network on your right hand side, Thank you

    P.S. To learn more visit the Suave www.Facebook.com/BellezaSuave

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