
What's Your Style?

by - 12:16 AM

Ever since I started blogging a few years back, I noticed a lot of fellow bloggers had a very particular style. When I wanted a clean cut look I would look to certain bloggers for inspiration, and when I was in the mood for something a bit more urban and gritty I would look to others. I guess in a variety of different ways it's good to some what fall under a certain category but I just.... Can't.

I would say my style is urban with a girly flare overall but I can't really categorize myself. I'm a "mood" dresser. I wake up, see how I'm feeling, and I make it happen. So when you're in need of something random... You can always visit here. How would you describe your style?

On another note, I went back to 5 pointz. I'm still pretty devastated the place is shutting down soon and this creative space for artist will no longer be around. I always notice how much people express themselves through their artwork. The art this time around was a bit different from the last time I visited. There was a lot of love stories and darkness floating around.

Wearing H&M booties, Japanese Leggings (A gift), gla.MAR.ous top, Trucker hat with graffiti done by a friend. Betsey Johnson Bag

Ok this photo above was like the sweetest thing ever. Imagine your boyfriend or girlfriend just being like "Oh hey honey, lets go for a walk" and then POW! Now what!?


Xo Nubia Xo

Follow the Nubia Network on your right hand side

P.S. I will be covering New York Comic Con Thurs-Sun. Make sure to check back in everyday for great style and content!

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