I'd like to start this post first and foremost by saying excuse my extremely tired face here... I've been up to a lot these last few days. I'd also like to excuse myself for the un-ordinary posting schedule I've had going on. I think I needed a "blog break" to get some stuff together. But I'm back with a vengeance! Social media ninja mode and more excited than ever. You'll see....
So there's no shame in saying this post is mainly to show off my tattoo haha. I got a tattoo Saturday morning at STYX Tattoo not too far from my home in Elmhurst, Queens. Philipus who is the owner is pretty freaking fantastic. Seriously, he's so talented. I saw a lot of his work and I was very impressed. It's hard to find a good artist that makes you feel comfortable. I didn't get a drawing though, I got text so Nissa (also a sweetheart) did my tattoo and I couldn't be happier with it! The whole atmosphere of the tattoo shop was majestic. Seriously, I walked in and he was playing Hans Zimmer, Beautiful! There was a lot of interesting art and sculptures in the shop... I didn't have my camera but I was able to take these shots with my iPhone so you can get an idea. However these images are selling it short.I would recommend this place to anyone. I promise it's worth checking out if you want to get inked... you'll thank me later. This is my 5th tattoo by the way.
This tattoo has a few different meanings for me. All of them very special. It's in Spanish but to translate it for you it means "Life Is A Carnival". One thing I will say is that it's my moms favorite song ever! and it will always make me think about her. It has a few personal meanings for me but I don't want to bore you to death haha.
P.S. This week is New York Comic Con! It starts Thursday and I will be hanging out and covering the event all 4 days to bring you the best cosplay fashion and more! Check back frequently!