Independent Fashion Blogger Conference
I told you I would be back soon, didn't I? I am absolutely thrilled and overly excited that I got to attend the IFB evolving influence conference today. Anyone that was there could have told you the energy in that room was freaking unreal. I felt like I was getting hit by inspiration bats! I kid you not my friend. If you didn't get to attend, hopefully you were lucky enough to see it on the live stream (which I heard was pretty cool)
I'd like to start off by saying that Jennine Jacob (thecoveted) you are Wonder Woman! I love comics so believe me, this might be one of the most valuable compliments I can give a female. The way Jennine started IFB: This culture, that just brings so many of us dying to share what we love together is mind blowing. Christine Topacio (Profreshstyle) was so amazing in helping out as well. We had a nice conversation about L.A and N.Y. It was truly a pleasure meeting you, you rock girl. Thank you American Express for helping to make this possible.
I got to the event a little bit late because.... well I'm just tardy often (shoot me) but I took a few notes on some things I thought were pretty interesting from the panel speakers and I'd like to share with you.
Gala Darling: What I loved about her time on stage went something like this...(these are not exact words just more or less)
Bryan Byan: Bryan was so fun to watch. He was claiming to be nervous but I found him extremely blunt and charming. Here are somethings he shared
I'll leave you with some pictures I took of the panelist on stage and some pictures that were taken outside of what I wore to the IFB con today.
I hope you enjoyed and remember.. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, DO WHAT YOU LOVE!
Xo Nubia Xo
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