
6 Ways To Feel Safe Sleeping Where Someone Has Been Murdered.

by - 3:18 PM

Just because you love horror doesn't mean you don't get scared! 

Staying at a place where something tragic has recently occurred is scary as hell.  Whether it's a home or a hotel, you will walk through a thick fog of fear in the air. You will feel overly paranoid and all your senses will be tingling.  The thought of someone still lingering around trying to hurt people is terrifying. Also, you probably can't help but think about the way victims may have been hurt or murdered. It's a dangerous black hole of thoughts and you will get sucked in. It's inevitable. 

Recently I went to Las Vegas and the day I arrived at the hotel where I was staying, I turned on the TV and learned that 2 tourists had been stabbed to death the day before. I instantly felt my stomach churn and felt goosebumps all over my body. The murderer was still on the loose. Needless to say, I did not feel comfortable at all and was freaking out a bit. Hearing about the tourist and what they went through was not only extremely sad but also heartbreaking. 

I didn't stay in the same room where this incident occurred, but being on the property alone was bad enough. The hotel beefed up the security but sometimes that doesn't help your psyche much when somethings been so recent. 

I can only imagine moving into a home where someone has recently been murdered is much worse because you literally have to stand over where the grueling event happened. If you're a person like myself who believes in ghost, spirits, and energies floating around...it only makes it a MILLION TIMES WORSE. 

Here are my top tips on dealing with a place where someone has recently been murdered. 

1) Burn A Candle or Sage.
  • I burned a YES YOU CAN.DLE aromatherapy candle in the hotel room almost every day! The 100% natural essential oils in the candles have calming and healing properties. Breathing in a refreshing, clean smell is also uplifting. If this event happened in a place I lived, I would definitely burn sage (AKA Smudging.) This is known to cleanse your aura and clear your space of anything negative. And frankly, if you don't believe in any of this... it just feels nice to do which automatically makes you feel better. 

2) Never Ever Stay In A Silent Room.
  • Silence is your worst enemy at a time like this. You will pick up even the smallest of sounds and think someone is trying to kill you. You will hear neighbors opening their door and think someone is trying to break into yours. This doesn't mean you have to blast music but have something playing in the background. If you're trying to sleep, set your TV on a timer to automatically shut off or fall asleep to the 'Peaceful' or 'Nature Sounds' station on Pandora. 

3) Take Shorter Showers.
  • I've talked to so many people about this and taking a shower is the worst when you're scared. And having to wash your hair? Forget about it. Every time you close your eyes you think "That's it, I'm dead". It's kind of funny because it's a little ridiculous but it happens to so many of us! I would say stick to shorter showers until you feel a little safer. You'll be doing the environment a favor as well which technically makes you a better human being. 

4) Keep Your Mind Busy.
  • Try the best you can to have fun. Make plans for the month ahead, read a book, take some photos if your room has cool decor... just get out of your own head. I would often take photos in my room or call my friends and family to catch up. It helps a ton to be entertained so your brain isn't automatically making you see red. I would stay away from the news for a while... anything truly important going on in the world you'll find out from your friends or family. Keeping a phone around is also crucial to call for help if needed. 

5) Hide Weapons. 
  • I sleep with mase next to my bed every night regardless of any tragic events that may have happened. But if you're feeling unsafe it doesn't hurt to hide some weapons under your pillow, bed, or in any room that you feel you can hide in.

6) Always Triple Check Your Locks and Windows.
  • This is last but certainly not least. This is the most important way to protect yourself from home invasion. If you have sliding doors or window, put a wooden or metal stick on the bottom so it can't slide if someone tries to open it. Make sure your doors aren't just shut but fully locked! If you're in a hotel, put your luggage in front of your door so you feel like you would hear something fall if someone attempted something. Hopefully, it never comes to that but it would buy you time. 

If you're wondering, I'm totally fine thank goodness. The hotel murder was caught in a few days too which is the best one can hope for after such a tragedy. But I wanted to write this article because I know that feeling scared and unsafe truly sucks! I hope this helps someone who needs it. 

Xo Nubia 

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